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Personal funeral arrangements


A family friend of my customer had past away he was top fan of The Rolling Stones.

My customer come to me and asked if I could make a special funeral arrangement, she said the funeral was based on the songs of The Rolling Stones.

So I suggested a flower tribute with a wow factor and the perfect final goodbye contribution. Instead of a traditional funeral flower arrangement.

So after some brainstorming my customer decided The Rolling Stones lips was ideal.

Here I set out and designed the first beginnings

This was the done by drawing on the design of the funeral arrangement onto a design board and then adding the height with the shape of the design staying on point.

Next was to start adding the funeral flowers. Chrysanthemums were used to start the process. A lot of cutting to shape of the flowers was done. And then the first spray of colour was applied.

Using the spay to achieve different shades and also highlight the flower's textures to add depth.

Once the colours had been applied it was time to add the surrounding flowers and then make a frame for the funeral flower arrangement.

I used a letter bar for the flower display to stand at a good position of height.

The next task was fitting it into the funeral car, but the guys managed they are the best 😌


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